The last 18 months have been really trying, with the loss of two Friends Summer Fetes and three raffles, no Tea Bar, and no donations from our regular supporters such as the West Meads Coffee Morning and Bognor Regis Summer Darts League.
Our finances have been hit quite hard with an estimated loss of about £45,000 at this stage.
We have finished our commitment to the new Physiotherapy and Gymnasium. After a lot of negotiation and planning, the official opening of the facilities by the Health Minister unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the dreaded virus.
We have also finished the Densitometry Department improvements; again no official opening could take place but both units have plaques showing they were provided by the Friends through legacies and donations.
We were told in May that we could no longer have the Tea Bar in Minor Injuries and discussions were underway for a replacement area within the hospital.
Due to our members contributions we have still been able to provide various pieces of equipment to help the staff and patients. In the last financial year we have committed £122,752.
Due to the Covid pandemic ward in-patients could not have visitors. The Trustees therefore decided to provide each existing patient and every new arrival with a “goody bag” containing a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, puzzle books, pen, tissues and some sweets. These were very well received and appreciated by the patients and in total we supplied well over 100 bags.
The Trustees are very pleased that West Meads Coffee Club have started up again and during September they presented me with a cheque for over £500 which brings their total contribution over the years to well over £12,000.
We have started taking the trolleys shop up to the wards which is proving a great success, and I must thank our volunteers Mick and June Lawrence for organising this. Thanks also to Mick for continuing to maintain the Chapel Garden which gives so much pleasure to both staff and patients.
Chairman, Brian D Knight MBE OStJ GASI